Sunday, December 4, 2011

Deuteronomy 22:13-18

If a man takes a wife and, after sleeping with her, dislikes her and slanders her and gives her a bad name, saying, “I married this woman, but when I approached her, I did not find proof of her virginity,” then the young woman’s father and mother shall bring to the town elders at the gate proof that she was a virgin. Her father will say to the elders, “I gave my daughter in marriage to this man, but he dislikes her. Now he has slandered her and said, ‘I did not find your daughter to be a virgin.’ But here is the proof of my daughter’s virginity.” Then her parents shall display the cloth before the elders of the town, and the elders shall take the man and punish him.

1 comment:

  1. One of the many reasons I am no longer a fundamentalist and do not believe the Bible to be inerrant. Or man's interpretation of instructions from the Divine. NOT ALL WOMEN BLEED WHEN THEIR HYMEN IS BROKEN. No one can tell me the Bible/"the Law" is inerrant, that this law was passed down directly from God when there is absolutely no justice in it.
